Saturday 28 May 2016

What's New


I've been off line for a bit as I had just returned to work after having major back surgery and needed to recover.  The last year has been a long haul.  On April 25th, 2015 I was thrown from my horse, Dakota.  I ended up with a burst fracture of my L2 vertebrae.  I initially had to wear a big brace for 3 months unless I was lying in bed.  After the three months I was in constant pain and so in January I had my spine fused and now am the owner of some nice screws, bolts and rods. 

I am on the road to recovery now and can get back to working on this blog.  Trying to make it successful.

While I've been off I've done some creating and would like to share my newest endeavor....making a braided rug!  It's not finished yet but I thought I would share it thus far and instructions on how to get started on your own braided rug.

The first step is for you to gather some old sheets or garments.  I used old sheets.  My colours aren't great but you will get the idea regardless.

Once you have a couple of sheets (I used 2 queen sized and one twin).  You will tear them or cut them into strips.  The width will depend on how thick you want your carpet or place mat to be.  Mine were torn into 1 inch strips. Here is a picture of my Bestest Friend Kari tearing away.  It took a long time to get enough strips so I put her to work! I can delegate! LOL

When we had enough strips we put them in a basket to keep them out of the way. I have quite the pile as I want to make a throw rug. 

Next you start to braid.  Tie three strips together and make sure you keep braiding in the order and keep the braid straight so that it doesn't twist.

Keep braiding and add new strips into the braid so that it is one continuous long braid.  Here is a picture of mine!

I rolled my braid into a ball.

Once you have it all braided then you can start sewing it together by rolling it around a center point. Just keep going around and round sewing the braid to the braid and the rug/placemat will get larger and larger as you go.

It will take me a bit to get this finished as I have a serious amount of braided material to attach.  Once it is completed I will post a picture for you.

I wasn't picky about my colours.  So think about the colours you want to use. Next time I will. But if you are like me and want to see if it's something you want to do before you make any investment then old sheets and clothing are the way to go!

Talk to you soon!


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